berhubung masih dalam suansa Imlek (walaupun gw ga ngerayain dan ga percaya sama yg ginian), gw iseng2 baca tentang shio gw di tahun ayam tanah ini. katanya gini......
The goat is the dreamer of the chinese Zodiac, just like pisces is in western astrology. the goat is best suited to the Pig and the Rabbit.
Your Good Points
Being a day dreamer, you are very creative. If the horse need wide open spaces to roam free, you on the other hand needs to be in a place where your creativity, imagination and ideas are not inhibited. You are not materialistic.
Your Bad Points
You are incredibly unlucky in love. Maybe it's because of your artistic temperament that causes you to feel insecure. you have a huge sensitive streak that leads to bouts of anxiety over seemingly incosequential things. And if your relationship is unstable, you will pull away from it, eitherphysically or simply retreating to the safe haven of your imagination. You also have the tendency to be vain; you could spend hours primping and posing in front of the mirror.
You've got to learn to relax and let others run the show once in a while. Have more faith in your friends and loved ones so thet you can quit worryung about whether or not they will be there when you return from your daydreams.
fiuhh.....mau ga mau kali ini gw mengakui kalo ramalan diatas "gw banget"! gw selalu ngerasa insecure sama orang2 disekitar gw, entah itu teman, sahabat, keluarga, bahkan pacar. mungkin karena gw termasuk orang yg butuh "dipegang". Dalam artian gw butuh orang yg bisa bimbing gw, yg bisa ngontrol gw, yg bisa ngertiin gw.
misalnya lagi ngejalanin suatu hubungan yang udah deket dengan seseorang, tiba2 di tengah jalan ada perasaan ga aman, entah itu karena ada orang ketiga atau mungkin ada hal lainnya, gw bisa langsung mundur begitu aja tanpa ada usaha untuk mempertahankan. cemen? mungkin! but i have my own reason. Kalau udah gitu pelarian gw biasanya cermin.
ga tau kenapa gw selalu ngerasa kalau cermin itu adalah sahabat terbaik gw. karena dia tidak menghakimi dan tidak juga mengamini.
hihihihihi.....ini bener2 curhatan dari jero. maaf yah, mungkin kali ini gw ga bisa menggunakan kata2 yang puitis, tapi sekali lagi, terutama untuk para tamu yang sering berkunjung, ini hanya sekedar ungkapan hati, tanpa embel2 untuk dipuji ataupun dicaci maki.