Aku Rela
kulihat di bibirmu
kau sunggingkan senyum
tapi bukan itu yang kurasa
kulihat di matamu
ada binar bahagia
tapi bukan itu yang kurasa
kulihat bahasa tubuhmu
ingin dimanja
tapi bukan itu yang kurasa
kudengar tutur katamu
lembut dan halus
tapi bukan itu yang kurasa
cibir aku, bila itu bisa membuatmu tersenyum
tatap aku, bila itu bisa membuatmu tertawa
pukul aku, bila itu bisa membuatmu bahagia
maki aku, bila itu bisa mengusir semua sedih, hampa dan galau yang kau rasakan
asal jangan kau diamkan aku....
karena aku akan mati
Aku Iri
Embun bertanya pada rumput....
"Apa yang mengganggu pikiranmu saat ini?"
"yang menggangguku saat ini adalah kalau kau tidak lagi datang menghampiriku setiap pagi untuk menyegarkan tubuh dan jiwaku."
Burung bertanya pada pohon....
"apa yang kau takutkan saat ini?"
"aku takut tidak bisa mendengar kicauanmu di sore hari, karena hanya itu yang bisa membuatku damai."
hujan bertanya pada kodok....
"apa yang kau inginkan saat ini?"
"aku hanya menginginkan siraman cintamu, karena jika kau tak ada, maka hatiku akan kering!"
lalu cermin bertanya pada diriku...
"apa uang ada dipikiranmu saat ini?"
"aku sedang tidak bisa berpikir, karena hatiku sedang kering. aku butuh penyegaran untuk tubuh dan jiwaku. Dan aku merasa iri pada pohon di depan rumahku, karena dia selalu setia ditemani oleh kicauan burung yang terasa damai."
1 daging, 2 dinding, Aku bunting
ruang sempit. beralas tikar butut. panas. penuh peluh dan lenguh
"eegghh....mmhh....uuh.....arrghh.... pelan-pelan sayang"
"hhh...mmrrrgghh...hhhhh.... relax aja. jangan tegang!"
"aauuww sakit yang!! pelan-pelan"
"iyah...buka dikit dong kaki nya. trus relax, lama2 juga enak"
"hhh...mmmpphh...yes...uuhh....jangan di lepasin yang! enak.."
"terusshh yang...nnnggghh...aahhh...ssshhhh...."
"akkkuuhhh mauu keluuaarrr yaanggghhh....ssshh...aaaarrggghhh..."
"jangan keluarin di dallleemmm!!!!"
"tanggung yanggg....aaaahhhh"
meleleh. melumer. dan melebur menjadi satu
[3 menit, 41 detik]
waktu yg singkat untuk sebuah kenikmatan, tapi merubah hidup selamanya.....
Thx Guys
0811208xxx (18-jul-05 17:25)"OO happy belated b'day ya, maaf ya, wish u all da best yaaa.."
0811302xxx (18-jul-05 10:53)"Mungkin sdh terlambat, mungkin sdh tak berarti, mungkin sdh terlupakan, tapi mungkin saja, aku hanya ingin katakan bahwa usia tak ada arti kalo tdk diberi makna. Oleh karena itu, aku ingin memaknainya dgn ucapan SELAMAT ULANG TAHUN 16 Juli 2005 buat adikku Oow agar tetap membumi dan bersyukur."
0818932xxx (18-jul-05 00:02)"Happy b'day ya, tgl 16 kmrn ultah kan o'? sorry ngucapinnya telat semoga tambah sukses dan disayang Allah."
0818424xxx (17-jul-05 13:52)"O'O...HEPI BILETED BIRTDEY ya! katanya 2 hr yg lalu ultahnya ya? sori ga tau.. Br tau ini jg..(makan2 dimana ni? hehe...) Mugi2 sing lalancar sagala pamaksadan. Ditangtayungan ku gusti Allah dina sagala lampah sareng lengkahna.. Amien.."
08158786xxx (17-jul-05 11:21)"Happy B'day, wishing u all the best in your life"
08122244xxx (17-jul-05 00:42)"Oh my GOD...Pantesan feeling aku inget loe trs, HAPPY GREAT B'DAY MAN, wishing u can get your own life, and happy on your whole life. ga telat kan? mau kado paan?
085220004xxx (16-jul-05 23:14)"O2, met ultah ya, panjang umur, lancar rejeki, sehat, lancar semua urusan yah"
08562222xxx (16-jul-05 22:29)"I know I almost late2say: HAPPY BIRTHDAY kang OOw, My Bloved BRO! May this magic moment bring miracles 2 ur life every now & then. enjoy ur bday!:)"
08122348xxx (16-jul-05 21:46)"Happy Birthday! Good luck for a whole year"
08129390xxx (16-jul-05 19:06)"Hai O'...Msh ulang taun tgl 16 khan? =) happy birthday yah, wish u all d best loh, n may all ur dreams come true...Jgn sombong2 ya..."
0811235xxx (16-jul-05 19:00)"Happy bday brother! Pjg umur ya, duh mlm ini beduaan ma sapa bo ngerayain ultah..Btw senen gmn?"
081809023xxx (16-jul-05 18:30)"Oowna..hepi burday hepi burday! How old r u now? but age doesn't matter as long as u still look like 17! kmn hr ini bo?!?
08122356xxx (16-jul-05 18:01)"O' wilujeng tepang taun. I'm wishing you the best! pokona mah sing sehat, sing sukses, sing sagalana wae nu sae2...."
08158039xxx (16-jul-05 17:31)"Sore om kasep! MET ULANG TAHUN yee..smoga tambah sukses di segala bidang"
0818437xxx (16-jul-05 17:31)"O, hepi belsday ya! ;) may you have the joy n happiness 2day, god bless! (",)"
08562287xxx (16-jul-05 16:59)"happy b'day ya bro... mudah2an cepet dapet jodoh....yg cantik, beunghar, anak tunggal...hehe...."
081320676xxx (16-jul-05 15:13)"Hepi buday ya o'...Smg sukses jd entertaint sjati... Gal lupa ma g..hehe ;) ya uda....skali lg, hepi b'day ya. Tekker & c u ..."
085643029xxx (16-jul-05 15:01)"sayangku...aku pgn bgt ngerayain ulang taun bareng o'. slamat ulang tahun ya sayang, semoga panjang umur, tbh ckp, limpah rejeki, kerjaan lancar, disayang Tuhan. amin. aku sayang o' gak mgkn aku lupa ultah o. mmuahh"
0818613xxx (16-jul-05 14:04)"O'ow...hepi bersdeynya! semoga panjang umur n panjang segala2nya yaaaa... Huehehe...Diantos selamatanna....:) cupcup..."
08121463xxx (16-jul-05 13:48)"Flexiku abis pulsa. hehe. Hepi beldei ya ow. smoga tambah cantik, tambah ayu, kerjaannya sukses dan tambah sukses, banyak rezeki, dpt jodoh yg setia ama ji, and many good wishes come true d yaa. chuzz taufik imansyah."
08561231xxx (16-jul-05 13:41)"happy belsdey hon, get lucky (your middle name??:)) & success,get your life wiser, step up wider, you know which best for you! miss u"
08129063xxx (16-jul-05 13:27)"Hey, happy b'day ya ay? I wish u all the best."
08155001xxx (16-jul-05 13:17)"hunny..Maaf ya td mlm kehabisan pulsa. ga bs nelp. Aa met ultah yah..Maaf aq br ucapin skrg.. Br isi pulsa.."
08159777xxx (16-jul-05 10:05)"Oow..hepi birthday ya! senengnya ultah! tar ta traktir maem d, bkn elo yg traktir ko. td no tlp ga dikenal ya makanya ga diangkat..uu yg pny bnyk fans.."
08562266xxx (16-jul-05 08:44)"The best things in my time here is just sending u a little words: *Hepi bertday* may our God always shine your life now & 4ever. Don't 4get to send me the cake, see u .... :)"
08121036xxx (16-jul-05 08:26)"Hei o'o happy birthday ma'man! wish all ur wishes will come true#.. Tong poho MAKAN MAKAN hehehe"
08561040xxx (16-jul-05 08:22)"fik btul gak kalo hari ini lu ultah.. HAppy Birthday 2 u, wish u dream come true...klo ada acara mkn2 calling2 oke..."
081316423xxx (16-jul-05 07:57)"those who believe, hv enough courage&luck, who walk confidently 2 reach their purpose in life, they'll find happiness. wishing u find the key 2 it, happy birthday, O."
08561079xxx (16-jul-05 05:50)"Hari ini Anda adalah orang yang sama dgn Anda di lima tahun mendatang,kecuali dua hal: orang orang di sekeliling anda dan buku buku yang anda baca. Happy Birthday Taufik panjang umur sukses ya.
085624584xxx (16-jul-05 03:42)"kl ga salah ada yg ultah y hr ini? y udah happy 26th anniversary aja. Wish u all the best y O! sukses trs dlm karier amien."
08156056xxx (16-jul-05 02:43)"Ow 1x lg hepi bersday ya! mg2 thn ini jd thn yg baik bwt kamu. amin!
08562148xxx (16-jul-05 02:07)"met ultah ya oo chayank...Soga sukses ya karir, cinta dan hidup.. Semuanya deh...Muach"
08197831xxx (16-jul-05 01:13)"Happy belated day oow... wish u're in good health & life"
08194878xxx (16-jul-05 01:02)"hepi besdae dude. si mamat pergi ke kedai, Selamat hepi besdai. wish u ol da best ;)"
08122078xxx (16-jul-05 00:18)"happy b'day Ow...Happy gettin older :-p Makin panjang umur & makin panjang yang lainnya (rezeki maksudnya hehe). pokoke wish u all d best & sukses karirnya ok -semoga makin mem'bondon' deh- ;) amin..."
08129386xxx (16-jul-05 00:12)"kalo ada di jkt, gue akan undang lo makan di tempat yg cozy utk ultah lo. janji! tapi janjinya hanya brlaku 1 bulan. heheheh"
0817200xxx (16-jul-05 00:10)"in life, God has given us 3 times frames: yesterday is HISTORY, tomorrow is MYSTERY, today is A GIFT! Thats why its called the PRESENT: HEPI BELZDEIY.."
02192636xxx (16-jul-05 00:09)"Happy sweet birthday ya bro! ;) many happy returns n millions of blessings coming your way! ;)
08129386xxx (16-jul-05 00:08)"met pagi cowo!selamat ulang tahun yg ke-26 ya. semoga rejekinya selalu cukup, makin disayang orang banyak, dan tetap ganteng sampe tua ;). "
085624244xxx (16-jul-05 00:01)Happy birthday O' hehe. gak bisa tidur. feel guilt blom sms. mudah2an diumur 26 ini, loe tambah... Yah :P yu yuu"
08155206xxx(15-jul-05 23:59)"My prayer: Peace 4 ur mind, Joy 4 ur spirit, & Love 4 ur heart, may God Bless U! Happy B'day..wish u all the best!"
08156148xxx (15-jul-05 23:59)"This isn't just a birthday wish for happiness today, it's a wish that many happy things will always come your way! Be more success in ur great year..happy B'day!"
08124897xxx (15-jul-05 22:14)"say happy b'day ya... jam dipapua dah jam 12 :) smg pjg umur + lncr rejeki + enteng jdh + rjn sholat + may God bless with His joy. Acara dimana nech..."
ps: teman2 ku tercinta....maaf yah, gw ga bisa bales satu persatu SMS kalian. Jadi akhirnya gw tulis diblog sekaligus ucapan terima kasih gw yg sebesar2nya. semoga Tuhan membalas doa2 kalian. amin. Love u all....=)
Adakah dia...
Dia datang mengganggu hatiku
menjerat semua asaku
yang tlah lama menghilang
terbang bersama bayangmu
Dia datang memberiku cinta
mengganti semua rasa
yang dulu tlah membeku
hingga aku bertemu dengannya
Adakah dia...
jawaban dari semua tanya?
Adakah dia...
rindu yang slalu kunanti?
Adakah dia...
Dia tak hanya mengucap kata
tapi semua menjadi makna
yang terdalam ku rasakan
membuat tak ingin terjaga
Dia tak hanya membawa tawa
setiap kali aku bahagia
karena dia mengerti
bukan hanya itu yang kuminta
Adakah dia....
Kuharap dia ...
Kuingin dia ...
I don't wanna say Goodbye
[Dante Thomas "Goodbye"]
have you ever love some one so much it hurts to see them leave
and you hope that it won't be the last time that you may see leaving
so you try your best to stay strong becuase their just a phone call away
but to hear their voice with no touch just aint the same, just ain't the same
give them one last kiss
one last cry
a little romance before we say good bye
don't worry friends you see them again
Have you ever miss someone so much you can't even sleep
and your days and nights start to fell like 7 day weeks
you start to count the days you have left and anticipation makes you smile
cuz you know it'll be over in just a few miles
time makes the heart grow fonder
and true love it will never wonder
hold oooooonnn
never letting go
ps: I don't wanna say goodbye.............
Let It Be Love....
[Dante Thomas "Let It Be Love]
Let's spend the weekend
Just you and me, babe
We'll take no phonecalls,
No company
Cuz 2night is a special night
And we owe it to each other to talk
About our feelings and giving love a try
What an emotional right...
Now it's time to face the little things
That you didn't gave time for in our lifes...
And I don't mind letting you know....
Let it be love
Let it be all I imagined, baby
Hoping you'll found all you wanted in me
Girl let's make it right
Baby, let it be love
Oooh baby let it be love
Honey, I'm trying
To make it work
But you keep on saying
You've been hurt
And it said: How do you expect to move forward
When you live in the past...
Oooh Why are you keeping me on the outside???
You do but you don't know why...
Oooh why do you wanna fall in love at all....
Will you decide If you'll be mine
And I still hold on to the thought....
Let it be love
Let it be all I imagined, baby
Hoping you'll find all you wanted in me
Girl let's make it right
Baby let it be love
Let it be love....
Let it be you...
Let it be me...
We'll find our way
And you will see (girl you will see)
Your everything
I'm dreaming of
You're everything I wanted of
And I still hold on to the thought
Girl you know I just can't live another day without you
Holding, loving you, kissing you,
This is what i am going to do
ps: plss decide....do you love me or not?
[my song currently]
by Michael Bublé
Another summer day
Is come and gone away
In Paris and Rome
But I wanna go home
Maybe surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just wanna go home
Oh I miss you, you know
And I’ve been keeping all the letters that I wrote to you
Each one a line or two
“I’m fine baby, how are you?”
Well I would send them but I know that it’s just not enough
My words were cold and flat
And you deserve more than that
Another aerorplane
Another sunny place
I’m lucky I know
But I wanna go home
Mmmm, I’ve got to go home
Let me go home
I’m just too far from where you are
I wanna come home
And I feel just like I’m living someone else’s life
It’s like I just stepped outside
When everything was going right
And I know just why you could not
Come along with me
But this was not your dream
But you always believe in me
Another winter day has come
And gone away
And even Paris and Rome
And I wanna go home
Let me go home
And I’m surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel alone
Oh, let go home
Oh, I miss you, you know
Let me go home
I’ve had my run
Baby, I’m done
I gotta go home
Let me go home
It will all right
I’ll be home tonight
I’m coming back home
4 lelaki
4 kepala (ehm... dikali 2 kali yah, satu kepala logika, yang satu kepala nafsu)
4 persepsi
satu orang merasa bosan
satu orang sedang tertekan (sebenarnya karena libido yang tertahan)
satu orang asyik menceritakan
satu orang merasa dia menjadi korban
4 menu minuman (chemistry between us, make over, cappucinno, milk shake banana)
3 merk HP (nokia, motorolla, sony)
2 bungkus rokok
tapi hanya ada satu masalah,
tentang rumah.
satu orang sudah memiliki rumah tapi merasa tidak nyaman dengan rumahnya
satu orang belum memiliki rumah dan belum berniat untuk mencari rumah karena masih menikmati kesendirian (atau belum mampu beli rumah?)
satu orang sudah memiliki rumah dan betah tinggal di rumah tapi tidak pernah mempercantik rumah
satu orang sudah memiliki rumah tapi tetap ingin mencari rumah kedua
ps: hihihi sebenernya gw mau nulis ini udah lama banget, sekitar 3 bulan yg lalu. tapi ga tau kenapa selalu tertahan... akhirnya ceritanya gantung! maaf yah...
home is where my heart is (just like claud said)